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We’ve heard the same empty words for YEARS from Senator Cornyn when it comes to Dreamers. And, surprise! After the momentous Supreme Court decision in June that blocked the Trump Administration’s attempt to kill DACA and upend the lives of thousands, we got more words:


"I'm willing to work with anyone, Republican or Democrat, who's interested in solving the problem.”


        - Senator Cornyn 06/18/2020 -



Senator, we need ACTION that lives up to the pretty words. We need leaders that ALWAYS STAND with our communities, not just when it's newsworthy. You HAVE the power to fix this TODAY.


Together we can make Congress LISTEN and ACT

Spanish Video: 

Call your Congressional Leaders & demand that immigrants be included in the CARES Act!

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi: (202) 225-4965

Congressman Kevin McCarthy: (202)225-2915

Senator Chuck Schumer: (202) 224-6542

Senator Mitch McConnell: (202) 224-2541

Congress’s latest coronavirus relief package, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, is the largest economic relief bill in U.S. history. The CARES Act unfairly and unwisely leaves out hard-working immigrants, effectively treating them as expendable second class citizens.


Immigrants are keeping Americans alive and fed as our country suffers from the Coronavirus pandemic. We cannot turn our backs on the workers who are on the frontlines fighting this pandemic. It would be morally unconscionable and irresponsible to deny immigrants and their families access to the social safety net during the health and economic crises. Our nation's leaders must extend the protections won in the CARES Act to all taxpayers - including tax-paying immigrants.


...Guarantee coverage of treatment for COVID-19

All individuals should have ready access to coronavirus testing and treatment, including the uninsured and underinsured, regardless of immigration status, including DACA recipients and TPS holders. 

...Ensure access to emergency economic support for all workers.

All taxpaying families, including those with immigrants, need and deserve to receive vital support of direct relief payments, unemployment benefits, and other economic assistance found in the CARES Act. 

We call on Congress to immediately remove barriers to participation.


Latinos and Immigrants are on the frontlines, working shoulder to shoulder with our fellow Americans to help us all overcome the pandemic. We need Congress to respond to our communities the way our communities are responding to the country.  Relief must be inclusive.

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