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The Lincoln Project Joins Forces With Mi Familia Vota, Unidos Us Action Fund, Nuestro Pac, And Announces Joint Town Hall And New Ad “Le Creímos”

Sep 28, 2020

WASHINGTON -- Continuing the urgent effort to work with the Hispanic community to reach voters, The Lincoln Project is today announcing a collaboration with Mi Familia Vota, UnidosUS Action Fund, and Nuestro PAC. All are prominent voting rights and mobilization organizations focusing on the Hispanic community, who share the critical goal of removing Donald Trump from office. This is a watershed moment for both the American public at large and the Hispanic community, as Trump threatens the very foundations of our shared democracy.

On Wednesday, September 30th, the four organizations will join forces to hold a virtual Town Hall that may be the largest bi-partisan gathering of Hispanic voices in modern politics. You can register to join the Town Hall here.

The announcement comes alongside the release of a new ad, “Le Creímos”, highlighting the disproportionate effect Trump’s mishandling of the COVID-19 crisis has had on the Hispanic community.

Mi Familia Vota is a highly recognized, national civic engagement organization that unites Latino, immigrant, and allied communities around opportunities to enfranchise voters, specifically in Arizona, Florida, and Texas — states in which The Lincoln Project has focused efforts. Their dedication to this work will play a crucial role in restoring dignity to the White House.

UnidosUS Action Fund similarly serves the Hispanic community through a national network of affiliates working towards economic, social, and political advancement. Their decades of experience and reputation as a trusted, non-partisan voice make them a valuable partner in the fight to defeat Donald Trump in November.

Nuestro PAC was formed in the wake of Senator Bernie Sanders’ 2020 Presidential campaign, having set the standard for modern Latino voter outreach. The model successfully educated, mobilized, and turned out Latino voters, who were instrumental to Senator Sanders’ victories in key early primary states.

“The Hispanic community has repeatedly been on the receiving end of President Trump’s derision and scorn. From the moment his campaign started with the insinuation that Mexicans were “rapists” and “bringing crime and drugs” to the US, to his mishandling of Hurricane Maria, to the insanity of suggesting he sell Puerto Rico, he’s been a disaster for the Hispanic community,” said Mike Madrid, co-founder of The Lincoln Project. “His latest egregious mis-step is thinking he can buy the Hispanic vote by offering funding to Puerto Rico that is 3 years too late. He thinks Hispanics will forget what he’s done, but we are smarter than that.”

Hector Sanchez Barba, CEO and Executive Director of Mi Familia Vota said, “Since Donald Trump has taken office the Latino community has suffered the brunt of his xenophobic comments, and his disastrous policies. The president’s deadly mismanagement of the COVID-19 crisis has caused immense suffering, and has left the Latino community reeling from record-level unemployment, food anxiety, and massive health care disparities. When we launched our national campaign, #BastaTrump, we did so because we understand Trump is the greatest threat to our community and democracy, and our country cannot take another four years of his incompetent leadership. As a progressive organization we welcome conservative voices in this fight to make sure Trump is a one term president.”

Janet Murguia, President of The UnidosUS Action Fund said, “The Trump Presidency has wreaked havoc on America and our cherished democracy. We know all too painfully that the Trump presidency stands for government incompetence, the type that has meant over 7 million infected by COVID-19 and over 200,000 dead. The normalization of White supremacy, which has led to demonization and harassment of Latinos must end, and that starts by making Trump a one-term president.”

Chuck Rocha, founder of Nuestro PAC said, “Removing Trump from office begins with mobilizing the Latino community like never before. The Trump administration’s negative impact on the Latino community cannot be understated — his racism and xenophobia has cost lives, destroyed families, and created lasting suffering. We’re focused on ensuring Latinos have all the information they need in English and Spanish to cast their votes in November, and we’re proud to work together with these organizations toward that goal.”

The Lincoln Project Hispanic Steering Committee will be working hand in hand with Mi Familia Vota, UnidosUS Action Fund, and Nuestro PAC to lead voter outreach and mobilization efforts across the country. Working together is the only way to ensure victory come November 3rd.

We are #UnidosContraTrump.

The Lincoln Project is a group of prominent Republicans and former Republicans working to defeat the re-election of Donald J. Trump and those who support him. To learn more about The Lincoln Project, go to

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