Oct 29, 2021
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The announced framework for President Biden’s Build Back Better Act marks a history-making boon to our nation’s social safety net and a major step forward for the Latino community and Americans overall,” said UnidosUS Action Fund Executive Director Rafael Collazo.
UnidosUS Action Fund President Janet Murguía called President Biden’s compromise framework “real progress.”
“The $1.75 trillion framework will help families, including those in the Latino community, get back on their feet,” she said. “It will provide quality, affordable health coverage to the uninsured, extend the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and summer nutrition programs and establish universal Pre-K.”
The bill includes expanded access to affordable housing, funding for childcare and home care and community-based services for seniors and people with disabilities, resources to tackle climate change, and an extension of the Child Tax Credit, including the restoration of benefit eligibility for immigrant children.
“Each of these gains, it must be said, will have a disproportionately positive effect on Latino children and families throughout the country. Today, one in four children in the country is Latino, and our kids, regrettably, constitute some 40 percent of American children who live in poverty,” said UnidosUS Arizona State Director Elizabeth Salazar.
The UnidosUS Action Fund works to expand the influence and political power of the Latino community through civic engagement and accountability.