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A Latino Family Agenda

UnidosUS Action Fund (UnidosUSAF) is a Latino advocacy organization that works to expand the influence and political power of the Latino community through civic engagement and issue-based campaigns. UnidosUS Action Fund takes the courageous policy visions outlined by our sister organization, UnidosUS, and works to make them a reality. 
To do so, UnidosUS Action Fund employs a two-pronged “inside-outside” strategy. The Action Fund can engage in both nonpartisan and partisan political campaign work.  We hold lawmakers accountable to their promises to advance policy issues that matter most to the Latino community that include jobs and the economy, civil rights, health, immigration, education, and climate change. 
There is an urgent need for a targeted get-out-the-vote campaign, conducted by a Latino led organization that has the relationships, expertise, and experience necessary to build Latino political power. In the 2016 and 2018 elections the Action Fund worked in key Senate and House races and in the five presidential battleground states where the Latino vote was critical to victory. These states included: Arizona, Florida, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
UnidosUS Action Fund has extensive expertise in organizing issue-based advocacy campaigns. Whether in its work, to advance the prospects of jobs, education, the Affordable Care Act, voting rights, immigration reform, civil rights, or environmental issues, UnidosUS Action Fund has a proven record of professional grassroots and grasstops campaigns that shape the direction of public policy.
UnidosUS Action Fund is poised to expand on its vast experience with political organizing in the Latino community. The Latino vote can change the course of an election or of an issue campaign – but only if a professional and trusted messenger is working to educate, motivate, and mobilize Latino voters.
Check back for updates. 
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