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The UnidosUS Action Fund Launches Ad Campaign in Support of HEROES Act

Sep 24, 2020

WASHINGTON -- The UnidosUS Action Fund launched a new video ad with versions in English and Spanish to encourage Latinos to call their senators and pass the HEROES Act. The digital ad, backed by a $50,000 buy, targeted Latinos in Arizona, Texas and Colorado and went after Senators McSally, Cruz, Cornyn and Gardner. Report after report has shown that Latino and immigrant communities have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only are Latinos three times more likely to contract the virus than their White counterparts, but a recent survey published by NPR finds that 77% of Latino households are facing serious financial pain as a result of the pandemic. Congress remains at a standstill on discussions regarding additional stimulus packages while millions of families are suffering.The ad is available here and the script is below.“HEROES”An entire generation of American kids have been put at risk – first by a cruel anti-immigrant, anti-family agenda – and now, by the Senate’s failure to pass critical pandemic recovery legislation.Why, so they can take a summer vacation?Meanwhile, Latino families and kids are among the most disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thousands have lost loved ones.Meanwhile, American kids are living in homes where parents have lost their jobs and health insurance, yet thousands haven’t received a stimulus check.Meanwhile, Latinos continue to step up for America as essential workers, keeping America running – and putting themselves and their families at risk to do so.It’s time our nation and leaders step up for us, too. Tell your Senator to pass the HEROES Act now! 


The UnidosUS Action Fund works to expand the influence and political power of the Latino community through civic engagement and accountability. 

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